Helpful tools from the FACP meeting on April 10, 2015

Download the presentation

Thank you for your time to discuss how a chamber can effectively use social media. Click here to download the presentation.

Steps for finding out best time to post on your chamber Facebook page

In our discussion I also mentioned there is a way to find out the best time to post on your chamber’s Facebook. Click here to read more on this. Be sure to read down through the article to for the steps on how to figure this out.

Google Alerts

Google Alerts are used if you have a specialized topic you would like to keep track of. If there is something in the news that you would like to follow, maybe it’s a community event, or a construction project. If this is the case you may consider setting up a Google Alert. This tool will send you an email whenever there is something in the news related to your topic.

If you would like to be alerted on content that people are talking about you may try setting up a Google Alert, click here for how to do this. Another good website to see what people are talking about is one called

Check out for connecting to people you may not know, connecting with others who have influence

Thank you for the opportunity to speak with you, I hope these tips and tools help. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you have further questions.
